Sorry that it has been awhile since my last post. It's called a newborn!!!! YIKES... as cute as a button that he is, he sure is giving us a run for the money. We'll eventually "figure" him out and hopefully catch up on some sleep. Here are a couple of shots that I took today outside. Isn't he so CUTE????? BTW... I think that Brooke likes that he is here... it's taken the focus off of her when it comes to taking pictures. She wants nothing to do with my camera. Trying REALLY hard to get some decent shots of the two of them... just gotta find the right bribe. LOL!
Here are a few pictures that I promised. We got home Friday afternoon. Everything is going great. He's a great eater and sleeper when he's in someone's arms.... ugh! Thank goodness my mom is here to take a shift while I get some sleep. Brooke's is adjusting well and LOVES her little brother! I'm really proud of her! Payne gave her a "little brother" present when we came home on Friday. She got a brand new "big girl" bike and wants to ride it all of the time! (I'll get some pictures posted soon.)
Wanted to share a little about the name, John Payne. John is after Kevin's dad who passed away in 2005 unexpectedly during a plane accident. Payne is after Kevin's favorite golfer Payne Stewart who passed away in 1999. We will call him Payne.
For those of you who check regularly, my boy is here. I started having contractions at 9 this morning. They became worse by noon so I decided to go to the hospital. John Payne was born at 4:09pm. Payne weighed 7 lbs 11 oz and measured 21 inches long. He's a cutie and so sweet. Plan on getting home on Friday and will get some pics posted this weekend! Thanks for all the well wishes!!!!
Yes, call me crazy. I am having contractions, but can't let that stop me taking pictures of my beautiful Brooke in her purple outfit! She absolutely LOVES purple. Found this cute dress at Target and she got new crocs on Friday evening... it all just tied together!
My husband and I took Brooke to the YMCA water park up in Carrollwood on Saturday after T-ball. Here are a few photos straight out of the camera showing how much fun she had. My husband was a trooper sitting in 1 ft. of water with a ton of kids surrounding him playing with her while I sat in a chair under an umbrella watching. (I'm just too big and uncomfortable to do anything else and it's just way too hot to enjoy the sun!)
Ok, so I had professional pictures taken when I was pregnant with Brooke and just couldn't justify spending the money again, so I BEGGED my husband to take some pictures of me at the beach with Brooke. I told him EXACTLY what I wanted and prepped Brooke for what was in store and I have to say... my husband did pretty good. I'm quite proud of him. I can only take credit (obviously) for the last picture in this sequence which is of Brooke. Only 13 more days and counting!!!! Can't wait to meet the "little fella"... the nickname given by my husband.