Funny how things happen. The other day I a call from Miss S saying that she was interested in getting her Senior shots done. As soon as I listened to the message and hearing her name, I knew exactly who she was. See in my "former" life I was a teacher. Miss S happened to attend Roosevelt Elementary the same time I taught there. Though Miss S was not in any of my classes, I remembered her b/c she was quite a vibrant young lady and well, her last name.. you just couldn't forget it. Over the years I occasionally ran into her mom and at one point she gave me Miss S's phone number to babysit. So how ironic that she would end calling me to take her senior shots. Of course it didn't occur to her mom that this was me as I had married and assumed a new last name.
We met down in Ybor City (love the place as the possibilities are endless) this past Sunday morning. Yes, it was brutally hot... steaming... but Miss S put on her beautiful smile and I shot away. I am still in the process of editing, but here are a few from our session.
Enjoy ladies!!!!