Friday, January 7, 2011

Project 365 | Week 1

I have decided to participate in project 365 which is where you take one picture everyday of the year.  I am hoping to stick with it... so we'll see.  I am doing this with my camera phone so:

1.  It's fun.

2.  I don't have to "edit- make it perfect".

3.  It's quick. 

4.  I always have my phone and won't have to carry my big camera everywhere I go.

Here is the first week. I decided late January 1st to do this so no picture...

2/365  The kids after their bath.
3/365  Lemon Body Butter.... my favorite!
4/365  A RARE occasion.... Payne fell asleep in his little chair 45 minutes earlier than his nap time.  When I woke him up to put him in his crib he didn't wake up... he must have been soooo tired.  The boy slept until 3.
5/365  Fig jam, Pancetta and Brie sandwich!  YUM!!!  Find the recipe here.
6/365  Payne and his sweet smile!
7/365  Jellyfish at the aquarium.  Payne and I spent the morning there with Cheri and Bryce.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this idea and enjoyed your photos. I think I might try to participate...